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- AbstractAPFactory - Interface in appointmentplanner.api
This is the interface that the user (the teachers) of your implementation use to obtain instances of the classes implementing the given other interfaces.
- addAppointment(AppointmentData, TimePreference) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
Add and appointment with time preference.
- addAppointment(AppointmentData, LocalTime) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
Add and appointment with fix start time.
- addAppointment(AppointmentData, LocalTime, TimePreference) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
Add an appointment with start time and fallback time preference.
- addAppointment(LocalDay, AppointmentData, TimePreference) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
Add a new appointment to this day.
- addAppointment(LocalDay, AppointmentData, LocalTime) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
Add appointment with a fixed time.
- addAppointment(LocalDay, AppointmentData, LocalTime, TimePreference) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
Add appointment with a fixed time.
- addAppointment(LocalDay, AppointmentRequest) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
Create an appointment based on previous appointmentRequest.
- appointmenplanner.api - module appointmenplanner.api
The main appointment planner module
- Appointment - Interface in appointmentplanner.api
Appointment that is scheduled using the appointment planner.
- AppointmentData - Interface in appointmentplanner.api
Details of an Appointment or AppointmentRequest.
- appointmentplanner.api - package appointmentplanner.api
Library to facilitate planning of appointments.
- AppointmentRequest - Interface in appointmentplanner.api
Class holding the full details of an appointment request.
- appointmentStream() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
Stream of all appointments.
- at(int, int) - Method in class appointmentplanner.api.LocalDay
Get the instant at the given hours and minutes.
- at(int, int) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
Get the instant at the given hour and minute of this local day plan.
- between(LocalDay, LocalTime, LocalTime) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AbstractAPFactory
Compute time slot on a date between given start- and endTime.
- between(Instant, Instant) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AbstractAPFactory
Create a time slot between two times.
- canAddAppointmentOfDuration(Duration) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
- canAddAppointmentOfDuration(Duration) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
Check if an appointment of the given duration can be scheduled.
- compareTo(TimeSlot) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.TimeSlot
Compare two time slots by length.
- contains(Appointment) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
- contains(Appointment) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
Check if day contains the given appointment.
- createAppointmentData(String, Duration) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AbstractAPFactory
Factory method to create an AppointmentData object without specified startTime.
- createAppointmentData(String, Duration, Priority) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AbstractAPFactory
Factory method to create an AppointmentData object without specified startTime.
- createAppointmentRequest(AppointmentData, TimePreference) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AbstractAPFactory
Create a request with time preference.
- createAppointmentRequest(AppointmentData, LocalTime) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AbstractAPFactory
Create an appointmentRequest with a required start time.
- createAppointmentRequest(AppointmentData, LocalTime, TimePreference) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AbstractAPFactory
Create a request with a preferred start time and a fallback time preference.
- createLocalDayPlan(LocalDay, Instant, Instant) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AbstractAPFactory
Factory method to create a day plan instance.
- createLocalDayPlan(LocalDay, LocalTime, LocalTime) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AbstractAPFactory
Factory method to create a day plan instance.
- dateOfInstant(Instant) - Method in class appointmentplanner.api.LocalDay
Get the LocalDate of an instant according to this timezone.
- duration() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.TimeSlot
Get the duration of this slot.
- EARLIEST - Enum constant in enum class appointmentplanner.api.TimePreference
Plan the appointment as early as possible on a day.
- EARLIEST_AFTER - Enum constant in enum class appointmentplanner.api.TimePreference
Plan as early as possible after a given time.
- end() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
Get the end of this timeline.
- endOfDay() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
End time of the day, exclusive.
- equals(Object) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Appointment
Defines equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AppointmentData
Defines equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AppointmentRequest
Defines equality, must be based on all fields of this class.
- equals(Object) - Method in class appointmentplanner.api.LocalDay
- findAppointments(Predicate<Appointment>) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
- findAppointments(Predicate<Appointment>) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
Finds all appointments matching given filter.
- fits(TimeSlot) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.TimeSlot
Does the given time slot fit inside this time slot.
- fits(Duration) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.TimeSlot
Is this time slot sufficient to accommodate a specified duration.
- getAppointmentData() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Appointment
Get the appointment data for this appointment.
- getAppointmentData() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AppointmentRequest
Get the appointment details of this appointment.
- getAppointments() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
- getAppointments() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
Finds all appointments for this TimeLine.
- getDate() - Method in class appointmentplanner.api.LocalDay
Get the date.
- getDate() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
What is the (start) date of this plan.
- getDay() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
LocalDay specifies date and time zone.
- getDescription() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AppointmentData
The description of the appointment.
- getDuration() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AppointmentData
The duration of this appointment data.
- getDuration() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AppointmentRequest
Get the duration of the appointment request.
- getEnd() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.TimeSlot
Get the end of the TimeSlot.
- getEndDate(LocalDay) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.TimeSlot
Return the date of the end of the TimeSlot.
- getEndTime() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
Get the allowed latest time for this day.
- getEndTime(LocalDay) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.TimeSlot
Get End Time of the appointment in the given time zone.
- getGapsFitting(Duration) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
- getGapsFitting(Duration) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
This method finds all time gaps that can accommodate an appointment of the given duration in natural order.
- getGapsFittingLargestFirst(Duration) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
- getGapsFittingLargestFirst(Duration) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
Get the gaps matching the given duration, largest fitting first.
- getGapsFittingReversed(Duration) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
- getGapsFittingReversed(Duration) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
This method finds all time gaps that can accommodate an appointment of the given duration in last to first order.
- getGapsFittingSmallestFirst(Duration) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
- getGapsFittingSmallestFirst(Duration) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
Get the gaps matching the given duration, smallest fitting first.
- getMatchingFreeSlotsOfDuration(Duration, List<LocalDayPlan>) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
- getMatchingFreeSlotsOfDuration(Duration, List<Timeline>) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
Find matching free time slots in this and other TimeLines.
- getNrOfAppointments() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
- getNrOfAppointments() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
Returns the number of appointments on a day.
- getPriority() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Appointment
Get the priority of this appointment.
- getPriority() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AppointmentData
Get the priority for the appointment.
- getRequest() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Appointment
Get the request that led to this appointment.
- getStart() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.TimeSlot
Get the start of the TimeSlot.
- getStart(LocalDay) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AppointmentRequest
Get the start time of the intended appointment.
- getStartDate(LocalDay) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.TimeSlot
Return the date of the start of the TimeSlot.
- getStartTime() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AppointmentRequest
Get the requested local start time.
- getStartTime() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
Get the allowed first time for this day.
- getStartTime(LocalDay) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.TimeSlot
Get Start Time of the appointment in given time zone.
- getTimeline() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
Get the timeline used by this LocalDayPlan.
- getTimePreference() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AppointmentRequest
Time preference given with this appointment request.
- getZone() - Method in class appointmentplanner.api.LocalDay
Get the timezone identifier.
- hashCode() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Appointment
Calculate a hash code value for the object.
- hashCode() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AppointmentData
Calculate a hash code value for the object.
- hashCode() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AppointmentRequest
Calculate a hash code value for the object.
- hashCode() - Method in class appointmentplanner.api.LocalDay
- HIGH - Enum constant in enum class appointmentplanner.api.Priority
High priority.
- LATEST - Enum constant in enum class appointmentplanner.api.TimePreference
Plan as late as possible on a day.
- LATEST_BEFORE - Enum constant in enum class appointmentplanner.api.TimePreference
Plan as late as possible before a given time.
- LocalDay - Class in appointmentplanner.api
Utility class to do zoned time conversion.
- LocalDay() - Constructor for class appointmentplanner.api.LocalDay
Create a LocalDay based on the system default timezone and the current date.
- LocalDay(ZoneId, LocalDate) - Constructor for class appointmentplanner.api.LocalDay
Create a local day in the given timezone at the given date.
- LocalDayPlan - Interface in appointmentplanner.api
Timezone and day based view on timeline.
- LOW - Enum constant in enum class appointmentplanner.api.Priority
Low priority.
- now() - Static method in class appointmentplanner.api.LocalDay
Return the LocalDay for the default time zone at the current date.
- ofLocalTime(LocalTime) - Method in class appointmentplanner.api.LocalDay
Get the time as instant.
- plusDays(int) - Method in class appointmentplanner.api.LocalDay
Add x numbers of days to this LocalDay.
- Priority - Enum Class in appointmentplanner.api
Priority of appointments (not used as part of scheduling).
- removeAppointment(Appointment) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
- removeAppointment(Appointment) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
Removes the given appointment, returning the AppointmentRequest of that appointment, if found.
- removeAppointments(Predicate<Appointment>) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
- removeAppointments(Predicate<Appointment>) - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
Removes appointments with description that matches a filter.
- start() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Timeline
Get the start of this timeline as instant.
- startOfDay() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
Start time of the day, inclusive.
- Timeline - Interface in appointmentplanner.api
Timeline of planned appointments.
- timeOfInstant(Instant) - Method in class appointmentplanner.api.LocalDay
Get the LocalTime of an instant according to this day.
- TimePreference - Enum Class in appointmentplanner.api
Strategy to find a Time slot to add an Appointment.
- TimeSlot - Interface in appointmentplanner.api
A time slot represents an (un)allocated range of time defined as [start,end).
- toString() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.Appointment
Override the default toString.
- toString() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.AppointmentData
Get the textual representation of AppointmentData.
- toString() - Method in class appointmentplanner.api.LocalDay
- toString() - Method in interface appointmentplanner.api.LocalDayPlan
Return a string containing the local date, the time zone and all appointments in natural order, presented with time as local time.
- UNSPECIFIED - Enum constant in enum class appointmentplanner.api.TimePreference
In case no time preference is specified, this is the default.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appointmentplanner.api.Priority
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appointmentplanner.api.TimePreference
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class appointmentplanner.api.Priority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class appointmentplanner.api.TimePreference
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
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