Interface Appointment

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable<TimeSlot>, TimeSlot

public interface Appointment extends TimeSlot
Appointment that is scheduled using the appointment planner. An Appointment is not created from 'the outside API', but created by the appointment planner service, being the actual TimeLine implementation. In the TimeLine, you'll determine if a request can be accepted and an Appointment object can be created. Having an appointment therefore implies that there has been a successful allocation on a day at a time. The appointment is only valid when it is allocated on some timeline. An appointment holds an AppointmentRequest and a start Instant.
Richard van den Ham, Pieter van den Hombergh
  • Method Details

    • request

      Get the request that led to this appointment.
      the request.
    • toString

      String toString()
      Override the default toString. toString() returns startTime, endTime and description like: "2020-09-12 14:00 - 15:55 ALDA Lesson" This will make your testing and debugging life so much easier.
      toString in class Object
      String representation of Appointment.